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Hi…thank you for stopping by!  My name is Sara, mom to two sweet babies, wife to a wonderful husband and full-time professional.

There is nothing more discouraging than coming home on a Wednesday night, hands full of groceries, kids hungry and screaming and you open the door to a house in disarray.  I’ve been there! But your home is supposed to be your castle, right…maybe it’s time to reclaim it!  Many households in America have two incomes, with both the mother and the father working to support the family.  Have you asked yourself lately….what are we working so hard for?  If one of those answers is not to have a comfortable, happy and peaceful home in which to raise your family than something’s wrong!

I once saw an interview with Oprah Winfrey about keeping a clean home.  She made the remark that the state of a person’s home reflects the life that they lead.  Meaning, if your home is disorganized than so must be your life.  I don’t agree with that at all!  When you have a career and a family, caring for your home falls pretty low on the priority list…your home becomes more of a chore than a pleasure.  I want to change that in my own life…and maybe inspire others to change it in theirs.  A disorganized home does not mean a disorganized life…we just need some ideas on how to pull it all together!

Let’s see what happens!  Thanks for reading…


6 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi Sara. Love the thought behind your blog.

    My take is: It’s not a home if it isn’t messy and disorganised sometimes! What matters is, “does it have character? does it reflect who you are?”

    • Hi! Thanks for reading!
      I agree…your home is supposed to be a reflection of who you are…creatively and collectively as a family. Finding the time and energy to represent that in a semi-organized way is what’s challenging 🙂

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  3. I am at home everyday but I have serious health issues and when I’m going kinda getting it looking nice, then I need to rest for a couple of days and it all starts over! I would not change a thing except to have more good days healthy than bad. Kids grow up really fast and the time you spend with them will reflect and have good kids! Your home will be there when your grown. So hat being said I admire moms working or not!!!!Julie Hatchett

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